Sunday, 8 January 2012

Not this year, I have a headache.

Well, well, well. My, my! Surely it's not been a year since my last update?

I appear to have neglected this blog over the last year or so; somewhere in between starting a relationship, finishing my degree, ending a relationship, selling my socialist principles for a job at a supermarket, the death of Kim Jong-il and the birth of the seven billionth human being I have last my way.

For this, I am sorry.

But 2012 is a new year, and while I can't promise any more regularity than last year, as always I will do my best! I've been trying to think of something more concrete than "just stuff" for my topics, as while it works for Seinfeld, a blog about nothing isn't quite as exciting a premise. And quite frankly, my life isn't all that exciting. However, fortunately for you I'm still just arrogant enough to believe you give a damn about my opinions.

So, I'll try my best to give the posts in this blog some sort of theme. I'm thinking a mixture of books I'm reading, films/TV programmes I'm watching, and current events and affairs (by which I mean news, not the sordid details of someone's extra marital relations - unless it's necessary to my point, of course!). If you're interested in following along with my adventures, click the follow button on to your right, or you can like the blog on Facebook, which you'll also find to your right.

I'll leave you, as always, with an interesting fact: peanuts are not nuts, and strawberries are not berries.
~ Toby

1 comment:

Dan said...


I did not know you were into the whole blogging scene Tobias!

But, there is no qualm with a blog without a themed blog. In fact, a Toby themed blog seems the best theme.

Creative Commons Licence
Not tonight dear, I have a headache. by Toby Cadenhead is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.